Meet the New Technical Sales Team Member at BSE UK
Meet the New Technical Sales Team Member at BSE UK

This month we will be introducing Matt to you all, Matt joined the team as to tackle those all-important Quotes. Matt has a background in racking so is the perfects candidate for the job. He fits into the BSE team very well, we don’t know what we did without him.
What is your Role at BSE UK?
Technical Support – I here to support the sales guys George and Rob with their quotes and also to help Dennis with anything he needs.
What is your favourite shelving system and why?
Dexion Multi-Tier pallet racking, when a big job is complete it looks quite impressive.
If you could have unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be?
Corona, oh and the limes to go with it of course.
What would be the title of your autobiography?
How not to DIY, we have got a house last year and my DIY skills definitely need to improve.
If you could be in the movie of your choice, what movie would you choose and what character would you play?
Tom Cruise in top gun, I would love to fly a F.14.
What is top of the list when it comes to the weekend?
Sleeping, eating and walking the dog.
If you could host a talk show, who would be your first guest?
Elon Musk, he’s created the fastest production car. And he has space crafts. Pretty cool if you ask me.
What would be your ultimate holiday destination?
The Maldives, the Beaches and sea look incredible.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
Pizza, any type, I love pizza.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
Sell my house, and by a much bigger one!! I’d also hire someone to do all the DIY