Galvanised Steel Shelving Installation in Bristol
Client: Amcor Flexibles
Amcor is a global leader in responsible global packaging solutions supplying a broad range of rigid & flexible packaging products into the food, beverage, healthcare, home and personal care and tobacco packaging industries.

Location: Winterbourne, Bristol
Products: Galvanised Steel Shelving with Shelf Panels
Initial Brief:
After successfully carrying out rack repair works in the warehouse, BSE UK were invited to quote for some storage racking to another work area of the site where there was a requirement to create a neat and tidy environment to meet health and safety guidelines.
Project Summary:
Installation of galvanised shelving for bulky and awkward hand loaded items. All shelves were fitted with heavy duty steel decks to take loads of up to nearly 500Kgs per level. Having successfully worked with the company on projects in the past, BSE UK were asked to advise on the most suitable solution for creating a clean and efficient work area.

Bay Details
- Bay Type 1 1950mm H x 800mm D x 2000mm clear entry
- Bay Type 2 1950mm H x 800mm D x 2400mm clear entry
- Bay Type 3 1950mm H x 800mm D x 1200mm clear entry
Each bay is fitted with 4 Beam Levels including steel decking panels to each level.
Safe Working Load Signs provided. All load signs supplied inline with SEMA guidelines.
Load Data
480 Kgs per level
Layout Details
- 1 run comprising 2 no. Bays @ Bay Type 1 and 1 no. Bay @ Bay Type 2, 6600mm Overall Length
- 1 run comprising 1 no. Bay @ Bay Type 3, 1300mm Overall Length
Nationwide delivery of all shelving and racking systems - installation also available nationwide
Contact us now on 0117 955 5211 or email [email protected].
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